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MRA - Medical Risk Assessment

M-Tacs brings a new approach for analyzing medical structures within civilian and combat arrays, known as - Medical Risk Assessment. With the understanding that modern warfare and terrorism threats have created new challenges for civilians and combat units alike, close analysis and examination is needed.

The Medical Risk Assessment represents the first step of a comprehensive approach that provides our clients with a tailor-made solution taking into consideration the challenges, possible threats, mission and budget.

The MRA is the initial step whereby our expertise creates a three-step comprehensive solution when implemented, will increase survivability, address the best medical treatment for the casualty at the point of injury, decrease the number of casualties and allow our clients to complete the mission.

 M-Tacs Three-step solution:

  1. Assessment - The MRA Team will first assess the existing threats/risks and challenges. We will then suggest the most current and cost-effective solutions according to the needs of each client. Upon completion of the assessment, medical procedures and protocols will be written. 
  2. Implementation – Our team of instructors will train, teach and implement scenario-based simulations, hands-on training, lectures and state-of-the-art medical simulations. Trainees will drastically improve their medical skills and their ability to provide care under fire in remote areas or during missions. The instructors will create a skills-graph and training programs to insure “best-skill” practice.

    Part of the training and certification will be done in-house and some will take place in Israel, using the most advanced facilities for tactical medical training.

  3. Advanced Medical Equipment- Our team will suggest advanced tactical equipment, special kits and medical bags, evacuation platforms and special simulation aids to complete the last step in the M-Tacs medical system.

Our Solution:

  • Learning existing, best-practice tactical medical procedures
  • Implementing advanced tactical equipment
  • Conducting TCCC training programs for all soldiers/operatives
  • Tactical evacuation platform will be suggested
  • Special Simulation aids for battlefield injuries will be recommended
  • Use of special kits and bags fit for modern warfare scenarios
  • Protocols and procedures will be written for: Battlefield care, evacuation processes, correct use of equipment, and complete TCCC training programs for instructors etc.

The Medical Risk Assessment is designed for:

  • Governmental Facilities
  • Sensitive Facilities with Security Forces
  • Military and Special Units
  • Police and SWAT Units
  • High Risk Zones

The MRA Team

The M-Tacs MRA Team, composed of doctors and paramedics, holds vast experience in analyzing medical systems and implementing new protocols, examining and testing medical technologies and conducting worldwide training programs.  

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